

osirisgems - handfaceted quality-gems:

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Madagascan Chaledony
A soft yellowish Chalcedony from the big gemstone island east of Africa: Madagascar. The sevensided "Tudor's Kaleidoskop" design with soft reflection from the deep of this gem.
3.00 cts. 9.9 x 7.2 mm


Madagascan Chaledony, 3.00 cts.  

Turkish Chalcedony

Another fine example of the beautiful turkish Chalcedonies. Softblue colour, intense internal glowing, super shin polishing are the typical properties of this uncommon gemstone. Will meet the miners soon and hope for more roughs.
Beside the the silk there are some nearly invisible internals, not really worth to mention.

6.37 cts., 12.7 x 9.2 mm

Turkish Chalcedony, 6.40 cts.

Turkish Chalcedony
From central Turkey there are 4 localities for medium blue Chalcedonies with light to stronger silk and available in all size from tinies to really big boulders with several hundred grams This one is big for a faceted gem in the "Lighthouse of Porporela" design. This example show so well the super high lustre the Chalcedonies get through polishing..
14.55 cts., 18.3 x 15.1 x 12.2 mm


Turkish Chalcedony, 14.55 cts.  

Malawi Chalcedony
One of the nicest coloured Chalcedonies - in my eyes -  are from Malawi and have a soft pink. with not too much silk. This one was faceted in round brilliant design.The girdle is rounded so it is easy to set and have with closed to 12 mm an impressive size.
5.43 cts., 11.9 x 8.4 mm


Malawi Chalcedony, 5.43 cts.  

Madagascan Carnelian
Most gemstone collectors surely don't think of Carnelion as a member of the big Chalcedony-family. Carnelions are the orange Agates and these are a variety of Chalcedony. So it got its place with good reasons. There is a typical agate-like banding and I was able to place into a symmetrical position. A little but unusual for a hemispherical design and interestin experience for me.
15.30 cts., 15.6 x 14.0 mm


Madagascan Carnelian, 15.30 cts.
Madagascan Carnelian, 15.30 cts.

Madagascan Chaledony
Another "11Phase" cut Chalcedony from Malawi with big table and flat crown and rounded girdle for a n easy setting.
4.15 cts., 11.1 x 7.3 mm


Madagascan Chaledony, 4.15 cts.  

Namibian Chalcedony
No typical design for for such silky gems like Chalcedonies but I was so curious to see the result and have to say it works and I like it. The material is also from the 2023 find in Namibia with its strong blue colour.
5.33 cts., 9.9 x 9.3 x 9.3 mm

Namibian Chalcedony, 5.33 cts.  

Malawi Chalcedony
A soft pink Chalcedony from Malawi also in t he "11Phase" style (big & flat table, round girdle). A nice feminin gemstone.
2.74 cts., 9.4 x 6.6 mm

Malawi Chalcedony, 2.74 cts.  

Turkish Chalcedony
The second big medium blue Chalcedony from Turkey. Bought two weeks ago at the Munich Show from a nice & kind family runned company. You cannot imagine how hard it is to cut Chalcedonies, it takes much longer than all other gems on the faceting machine. On the other side it takes a great polish after a few of seconds.
14.47 cts., 16.3 x 12.3 mm

Turkish Chalcedony, 14.47 cts.  

Madagascan Chaledony
Near colourless with just a hint of yellow/gold this is one of 6 "11Phase"-gems. I love this simple design design in Chalcedony it looks so soft and feminin and always gives my fantasy so many choices of possible jewelry I would if I were a goldsmith. But that's not my job, I just cut the gems!
4.21 cts., 11.3 x 7.2 mm


Madagascan Chaledony, 4.21 cts.  

Peachy Chalcedony
A more silky Chalcedony with lots of coloured spots inside. Soft pink colour and due to the coloured spota with a grained surface.
1.56 cts., 8.5 x 5.8 mm


Peachy Chalcedony, 1.56 cts.  

Malawi Chalcedony
A malawi soft pink Chalcedony in the "Tudos's Kaleidoskop" design with a small table and some decent reflections.
3.90 cts., 10.7 x 8.0 mm

Malawi Chalcedony, 3.90 cts.  

Malawi Chalcedony
The smallest malawi soft pink Chalcedony in the "11Phase" design here in this newsletter.
1.64 cts., 8.2 x 5.3 mm


Malawi Chalcedony, 1.64 cts.  

Tanzanian Chrysoprase
This Chrysoprase was a nice surprice for me. I have some roughs from Hannety in Tanzania and I always suspected these to have a lower quality. WRONG! The surface aften looks so weak but the finished gem have a little lighter colour but a great inner glowing, even in this big size!. Some white dots only at the pavilion. A really great gemstone in y new design from  this summer.
15.48 cts., 16.7 x 12.0 mm


Tanzanian Chrysoprase, 15.48 cts.  

Tanzanian Zircon
Golden brownish Zircon from Tanzania. In my eyes Zircons are too often overseen as they are such a sparkling and brillant gem material. Easy to cut and always takes a fine & fast polish and easily to detect due to its strong birefringence.
2.01 cts.
, 6.5 x 5.3 mm
Tanzanian Zircon, 2.01 cts.  

Surselva Smoky Quartz

The nicest Smoky Quartzes comes from (in my opinion) the Surselva region in Switzerland. They often have a warm and charming brown colour instead of the often seen greyish ones. This is faceted as a "Floret" even it is not a small gem I decided for the floret-pattern and it is shown so well, Completely clean
4.52 cts., 10.9 x 8.6 mm

Surselva Smoky Quartz, 4.52 cts.  

Ampanihy Pink Silk Garnet

The biggest of the "Ampanihy Pink Silk"-Garnets I have cut so far. Great colour as always but with visible internal and some on the surface.For those who can handle the small inclusions it is still a nice gem.
3.89 cts., 10.9 x 8.5 x 6.8 mm

Ampanihy Pink Silk Garnet, 3.89 cts.  

Vatomandry Sapphire
Colour-changing Sapphire from Vatomandry, Madagascar. Bluish purplish grey in daylight and purplish red in incandescent light. A strong and hard light shows some reflecting Rutiles.otherwise it's a clean gem.
1.35 cts.
, 6.3 x 4.4 mm

Vatomandry Sapphire, 1.35 cts.
Vatomandry Sapphire, 1.35 cts.

Vatomandry Sapphire
Another colour-shifting Sapphire from? Yes! Vatomandry in Madagascar. Ghost-Rutile? Yes, of course and the first pic was made with daylight and the secon with incandescent light.
1.59 cts.
, 6.6 x 4.8 mm

Vatomandry Sapphire, 1.59 cts.
Vatomandry Sapphire, 1.59 cts.

Tanzanian Rhodolite
A very dark example of tanzanian Garnet with the round Trinity cut. One of the bigger one in this newsletter, dark with here and there a red flash..
3.23 cts.
, 8.5 x 7.0 mm
Tanzanian Rhodolite, 3.23 cts.  

Songea Sapphire
Dark greenish blue Sapphire from tanzanias Songea. Untreated with a strong blue c-axis while the A1- & A2 axes are greenish yellow. This gem loves daylight and gets weaker in bulb-light.
0.75 cts.
, 6.0 x 4.4 x 3.9 mm

Songea Sapphire, 0.75 cts.  

Vatomandry Sapphire
A similar kind of Sapphire also from Vatomandry in Madagascar. Colour-shifting from purplish pink to a smoothpink in incandescent light and with some Rutiles inside. As long as the light doesn't get caught be the Rutile-plain the Rutile-"ghosts" are nearly invisible.
0.46 cts.
, 4.8 x 3.4 mm

Vatomandry Sapphire, 0.46 cts.
Vatomandry Sapphire, 0.46 cts.

Great coloured Amethyst in the sevensided "Siebenstern"-design It was a boring round native cut with no life. Perfectly clean.
1.32 cts.
, 7.3 x 5.5 mm

Amethyst, 1.32 cts.  

Erongo Demantoid
This one was a hard fight. The rough was a big piece with 2.5 gram and only one half had a better clarity. The result still has many internals, but hey this is a Demantoid with over one carat! WIsh I would have more roughs even with this inclusions. The "Lighthouse of Porporela" with extra steep angles gave an extra portion of colour and dispersive flashes.
1.22 cts.
, 6.7 x 5.6 x 4.8 mm

Erongo Demantoid, 1.22 cts.  

Bolivian Ametrine

The bolivian Ametrines are harder to find on fairs like SMAM or the Munich Show and I have my stock close to exhausted. Hope that this year in the Vosges Mountains (SMAM) I will find some new ones.
Here I have a bigger one that was faceted into Marco Voltolini's Cushion cut but received an extra row of facets on the crown. There is just thing I have to say against this one: There is a trouble zone of an imperfectly healed crack at around 4 o`clock. Please click on the pic to see it better.
13.91 cts., 15.4 x 12.8 x 12.1 mm

Bolivian Ametrine, 13.91 cts.  

Russian Citrine

Slightly golden to strawish yellow colour with no colour zoning, glassy clean.
11.19 cts., 15.4 x 9.8 mm

Russian Citrine, 11.19 cts.  

Madagascan Teal Sapphire
Another fine example of t he new Sapphires from the gem-isand Madagascar. Found - as most Sapphire & Rubies from Mada - in the steep mountains of the east coast. Here you can see some very decent internals, even enough not to detract its brilliance and sparkles but enough to prove its natural origin and being free from any treatment.
Anyway irl this big beauty has a much more vivid teal colour compared with this poor pic!
2.43 cts.
, 7.5 x 6.3 x 6.0 mm

Madagascan Teal Sapphire, 2.43 cts.
Madagascan Teal Sapphire, 2.43 cts.
Madagascan Teal Sapphire, 2.43 cts.

Brazil Morganite
Supersoft pink Morganite from Brazil in the new floret design that I got inspired by the rosette of an mediavel guitar (sounds strange? Ok, it is, but works!).
Clean & brilliant gem.
0.90 cts.
, 6.3 x 5.0 mm

Brazil Morganite, 0.90 cts.  

Turkish Chalcedony

Greyish light blue Chalcedony from Turkey. Mineralogically the same as Chrysoprase but with no Nickel as colour reason. Strong silk and very nice glowing  from the inside.
1.99 cts., 8.6 x 5.9 mm

Turkish Chalcedony, 1.99 cts.  

Madagascan Rhodolite
The original "Glacial Ice" design in a dark-red madagascan Rhodolite. The name of this design comes from a trekking tour in the alps when I was so impressed by the many glaciers and its icy-blue colours in the early summer. I first cut it into an alpine Smok Quartz. But this one shows more of a equatorial heat. Anyway a bit unusual mandrel-shape.
0.67 cts.
, 5.2 x 5.2 x 3.8 mm

Madagascan Rhodolite, 0.67 cts.  

Tanzanian Rhodolite
    Dark red Rhodolite from Tanzania. eyeclean and brilliant.   
0.92 cts.
, 5.5 x 3.9 mm
Tanzanian Rhodolite, 0.92 cts.  

Tocantin Almandite
The Almandites from Tocantin in Brazil occur in big crystals in sizes up to a golf ball. Some hundred meters under the earth surface is a metamorphic layer with superficial strong eroded crystals. Only small parts are usable for faceting due to inclusions and dark colour. But there is a nice magenta hue
0.92 cts.
, 5.4 x 3.9 mm
Tocantin Almandite, 0.92 cts.  

Vatomandry Sapphire
Greyish blue Sapphire from Vatomandry in Madagascar. Lots of tiny little inclusion makes it look a bit silky
0.77 cts.
, 5.5 x 4.0 mm
Vatomandry Sapphire, 0.77 cts.  

Rescued Tourmaline
From a parcel of native cut Tourmalines this one caught my eyes at first and screamed "I wanna become something much better". Done, the result is the "Flandriant" design a squarish brilliant with lots of life. It loves natural daylight while incandescent or LED light adds some brownish modifiers.
1.77 cts.
, 7.1 x 5.5 mm

Rescued Tourmaline, 1.77 cts.  

Is this Achroite or just a very light yellow? Hard to say. What I surely can say is this gem is brilliant and has good clarity just some internals at half past five and faceted in my "5er Brillant" design.
1.26 cts.
, 6.9 x 4.9 mm

Achroite, 1.26 cts.  

Pink Tourmaline
Weighing close to one carat this pink Tourmaline doesn't changes or shifts its colour into brownish in incandescent light. Some internals that are not very visible with unaided eyes.
0.98 cts.
, 6.2 x 4.9 mm

Pink Tourmaline, 0.98 cts.  

Ejeda Spessartine
My madagascar-dealer surprised me this summer with a lot of Spessartines from Ejeda. I didn´t knew that Madagascar also has orange coloured Spessartines. Maybe not the same type of colour as Mandarin-Garnets used to have but the internals with some horsetail like inclusions reminds me on the very few ones from Namibia. Cool stuff with very unusual colour, a fine addition for garnet lovers!
4.61 cts., 12.2 x 9.9 x 6.3 mm

Ejeda Spessartin, 4.61 cts.  

Blue Topas
Very brillant sky-blue Topaz (treated) with an additional row of facet in the pavilion.
2.06 cts.
, 7.4 x 5.5 mm

Blue Topas, 2.06 cts.  

Tanzanian Rhodolite
Pure red and very big Rhodolite in my "Opposed Bar" version. Flawless and absolutely no colour change. Bought the rough this year at the Munich Show and was happy to find a rough Garnet with the perfect shape for this design.
8.91 cts., 17.1 x 6.7 x 7.5 mm

Tanzanian Rhodolite, 8.91 cts.  

Queensland Sapphire
Little eyeclean greenish-blue Sapphire from Queensland, Australia, untreated.
0.34 cts.
, 3.7 x 3.7 x 2.8 mm

Queensland Sapphire, 0.34 cts.  

Marolambo Rhodolite
An "11Phase" cut Marolambo Garnet with some internals and nice colour.
1.66 cts.
, 7,8 x 4.4 mm

Marolambo Rhodolite, 1.66 cts.  

Madagascan Rose Quartz
This big triilion shaped gem is a top Rose Quartz from Madagascar. Had to worked around some superficial troubles at the rough stone to get the best out of it and it is still a big gem. Only a small amount of silk shimmers through the soft pinkish colour.
7.81 cts.
, 13.0 x 10.2 mm

Madagascan Rose Quartz, 7.81 cts.  

Madagascan Chalcedony
This years Munich Show was in the dimension of the pre covid years with over thousand dealers from all over the world. I was focused on Chalcedonies in different colours after I'm  very familiar with this gem (details will result in a special newsletter sometime when I have emough different stuff). This one is from Madagascar the a very decent hue and shows the soft and slightx glowing  that is zypical for lighter Chalcedonies. I just love them even the daceting is time consuming due to the unexpectable hardness of the micro Quartzes.
2.88 cts.
, 9.3 x 6.8 mm

Madagascan Chalcedony, 2.88 cts.  

Light Surselva Smoky Quartz
Very light Surselva Smoky Quartz with only slightest greyish-brownish hue. Some very tiny internals otherwise perfectly clean, the right material to show fascinating Trinity pattern.
14.94 cts.
, 15.3 x 13.3 mm

Light Surselva Smoky Quartz, 14.94 cts.  

Madagascan Hessonite
Intense orange glowing Hessonite from Madagascar. The pavilion is a portuguese-type and reflects the light very well. In combination with a SRB-crown this is a modern and classical gem at the same time.Due to its multi-crystal structure it is silky and has some internals.
2.82 cts.
, 8.4 x 5.9 mm

Madagascan Hessonite, 2.82 cts.  

Ampanihy Rhodolite
The originally "Pipistrelli" in a darker Ampanihy RHodolite. I love this easy & fast cut, it helps me to turn small roughs and nice gems.
0.75 cts.
, 6.3 x 3.9 mm
Ampanihy Rhodolite, 0.75 cts.  

Madagascan Girasol-Quartz
Pipistrelli Girasol-Quartz from Madagascar, clean (with some silk) and brilliant.
6.73 cts., 13.6 x 9.9 mm

Madagascan Girasol-Quartz, 6.73 cts.  

Tunduru Garnet
Ten years ago I purchased a parcel of small rough from Tunduru from a married couple who travelled around the world and collected rough gems in creeks and quarries. This is a nice addition for Garnet collectors. Some fine silk only, otherwise clean.
0.47 cts.
, 4.6 x 3.1 mm

Tunduru Garnet, 0.47 cts.  

Marolambo Rhodolite
Very saturated and dark (but not too dark!) Rhodolite from Marolambo in Madagascar. There are some internals visible - also for the naked eye -  but not too prominent.
Still a big sparkler!
cts., 11.2 x 8.0 mm

Marolambo Rhodolite, 5.54 cts.  

Utah Apache Tear
Volcanic glas from Utah. A bit tricky to cut and polish due internal tensions but always worth faceting this special type of gem. Some hard to find internals surrounded by a fine and soft brownish colour.
0.97 cts.
, 6.6 x 4.9 mm

Utah Apache Tear, 0.97 cts.  

Madagascan Rhodolite
The original "Glacial Ice" design in a dark-red madagascan Rhodolite. The name of this design comes from a trekking tour in the alps when I was so impressed by the many glaciers and its icy-blue colours in the early summer. I first cut it into an alpine Smok Quartz. But this one shows more of a equatorial heat. Anyway a bit unusual mandrel-shape.
0.67 cts.
, 5.2 x 5.2 x 3.8 mm

Madagascan Rhodolite, 0.67 cts.  

7 Rutil-Quartzes
The  2018 theme for my collectors showcase are
"The Pleiades" a series of seven Rutil Quartzes made from a big sphere with frosted and glossy polished facets.
These gems looks a bit extra-terrestrial and share the same pavilion with different crowns. Due to the spherical frosted crown most crown facets are rounds or pitch circles. The third time I did this time consuming series.
Big pieces with weights from 24 to 42 cts.

Pink Ampanihy Garnet, 0.66 cts.  

Malawi Rhodolite

The biggest sevensided Tudor´s Kaleidoskop I have ever faceted (there is also the sixsided version). It is so hard to find a dealer with these big beauties in good quality with such perfect clarity and even not to dark.
No colour-shift.
cts., 17.3 x 13.2 mm

Malawi Rhodolite, 25.60 cts.  

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last update:Donnerstag, 28. November 2024                                          