Precision Cut Gems

Uli Zeisberg, Implerstrasse 90, 81371 Muenchen, Germany
Email: osirisgems@yahoo.de
  German tax no.: 534 / 23960

Payments per


VR-Bank Gauting
BLZ  70093200, Kto.  2278642

International money transfer (EU)
IBAN: DE02700932000002278642

All payments are free from any fees for you!
*   *   *   *   *   *   *
Gems are my passion since I was a little boy.
I had the big luck to find a superior teacher, R. Verharen, who showed
me how to do the best polishing, how to produce high quality cutting and polishing laps
and last but not least, how to cut designs that are 1st class.
Nowadays I´m every day working on my facetting machines to go on with new designs
and reach the best possible quality.

© for all pics, sites, text: Uli Zeisberg
I don´t have to charge for contents other websites linked on this site:

Page last updated:  Mittwoch, 23 Mai, 2018 20:55 MEZ